I was honoured to participate in the inaugural HBA Talks at the inspiring HBA annual conference last week. #HBAAC24

It was an opportunity to share life lessons in personal change and these same lessons can be applied to large organizational change.

My story “From Lab to Transforming Organisations” seemed to resonate with many people in the audience. It’s certainly been quite the journey. I shared an early career setback and my transition into different roles.

It wasn’t a story about skills, but about the three S’s in transformational personal change:

  1. STATE tell people what you have done and be clear what your goals are
  2. SCAN what is going on in the environment– your company and your geography! Be ready to remove some constraints that are holding you back. Be ready to look for opportunities and take risks.
  3. Build a great SUPPORT network. At home and at work.

Organizations (and their leaders) who are going through transformational chnage also need to:

  1. STATE their goals and reflect on their achievements.
  2. Continually SCAN their environment and look for opportunities and risks
  3. Build the SUPPORT they need with their stakeholders –customers, staff, managers, shareholders and boards

Id love to hear from my network whether you see these parallels.

The video footage from my talk is here: https://youtu.be/rVBR7kaS4WM

For those of you interested in my career or “Leading for change- how to thrive during uncertain times” my book is available on Amazon! #leadingforchange

Acknowledgements to the organizers, coaches and cheerleaders who got me here.