Kathryn Simpson

About Kathryn Simpson

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So far Kathryn Simpson has created 46 blog entries.

Positively impact in challenging times by using great resources!

Recently Mike Mair and I met and shared what we were hearing from our network in these early days of 2025.  As many people settle back into work after a holiday break there is a feeling of being overwhelmed as they are bombarded with many challenges. If this resonates with you, we have some thoughts on how you can ensure [...]

By |2025-01-16T09:26:28+00:00January 16th, 2025|Case Study|0 Comments

Recharge your batteries to help and inspire others!

After a challenging 2024 Jonathan Betts, Dianne Lee, Jackie MacRitchie, Renos Savva and I discussed how to refresh and rejuvenate ourselves and our organizations in 2025. We noted many different environmental challenges that can lead to lower energy, depending on your preferences. The type of work you have as an individual e.g. working to constant deadlines The kind of organizations [...]

By |2024-12-17T15:09:41+00:00December 17th, 2024|Coaching Leaders|0 Comments

Subcultures and how to make them work for you

In a recent post Jonathan Betts, Dianne Lee, Jackie MacRitchie, Renos Savva, Sara Vanderberghe and I discussed why a healthy culture is important and described ten actions to develop and sustain a healthy culture.  One of the actions we highlighted was not to be afraid of subcultures but instead to recognize their reality and embrace them as part of the [...]

By |2024-11-26T13:52:11+00:00November 26th, 2024|Case Study|0 Comments

Culture is always a differentiator!

Recently Jonathan Betts, Dianne Lee, Jackie MacRitchie, Renos Savva, Sara Vanderberghe and I met to talk about how to sustain culture in times of change, especially in a downturn. We discussed how a positive organizational culture is critical as organisations grow and evolve so that our best talent can thrive.  Culture is a differentiator! As times get tough culture is [...]

By |2024-11-25T17:03:22+00:00November 25th, 2024|Case Study|0 Comments

Effective Change Management essential for Successful Digital Transformation

In January  I moderated a panel on Digital transformation and change management hosted by the @Pistoia Alliance.  The panel of @Adama Ibrahim @Sally Walsh @ Paul Denny Gouldson and @Gary Heusner brought their extensive digital transformation experiences insights to share.  After understanding why they are all so passionate about this topic we heard about some of the challenges and frustrations [...]

By |2024-11-25T15:52:18+00:00November 25th, 2024|Case Study|0 Comments

The three “S” for personal transformational change

  I was honoured to participate in the inaugural HBA Talks at the inspiring HBA annual conference last week. #HBAAC24 It was an opportunity to share life lessons in personal change and these same lessons can be applied to large organizational change. My story “From Lab to Transforming Organisations” seemed to resonate with many people in the audience. It’s certainly [...]

By |2024-10-03T13:16:07+00:00October 3rd, 2024|Coaching Leaders, Leading change bottom up|0 Comments

Why do we need timesheets?

Do you have to complete timesheets in your work?  It’s not much fun, is it? But it can be valuable especially when we are navigating in challenging times and want to make sure we are spending time on what really matters. Recently, Dianne Lee, Jonathan Betts, Elisabeth Mortimer-Cassen, and Jackie MacRitchie and I shared our experiences of completing time sheets [...]

By |2024-08-23T10:00:07+00:00August 23rd, 2024|Case Study|0 Comments

No need for strategy in a downturn

  It’s been a tough time for the Life Sciences (and other) sectors in 2024.  Uncertainty around the future and a slowdown in investment has meant that the sector has stuttered in its growth, and we are in a period of consolidation awaiting (and hoping for) better times.  Organizations are downsizing and the job market is not as buoyant as [...]

By |2024-08-16T15:05:04+00:00August 16th, 2024|Coaching Leaders|0 Comments

Embrace multigenerational working to create a successful organization!

Multigenerational working is part of the way we do business today.  But how is it affecting the way we work? What can we do to build better relationships and enable effective organisations? Recently, Dianne Lee, Jonathan Betts, Renos Savva, Elisabeth Mortimer-Cassen, Amina Udechuku and Jackie MacRitchie have explored this. We shared experiences of working in hierarchical structures and what we [...]

By |2024-06-17T11:05:23+00:00June 17th, 2024|Coaching Leaders|0 Comments

Engaged and connected employees are the key to Leading Change

In 2024 I’m exploring how employees can lead change from the bottom up.  What does it take to drive success? My first discussion on this topic was with  Mike Mair.  We concluded that if employees are truly engaged and connected then leading change bottom-up is possible. The role of leaders and managers is critical to achieve real engagement and connection.  Using data [...]

By |2024-04-11T08:56:11+00:00April 11th, 2024|Leading change bottom up|0 Comments
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