With the first month of 2021 behind us and some challenging times ahead – how can we continue to be motivated and move towards our goals?.
Last week I had the pleasure of attending two awards ceremonies (Congratulations to: Nicole Sierra Rolet, Simon Hirst Paul Clewlow Louise Phillips Nathalie Huther, Samantha Perona James Zhang Sue Davenport) and both were inspiring. It was a reminder of how important it is to be recognised for what you have achieved.
With that in mind I wanted to thank you for your continued support and endorsement of my book Leading for Change. I had some great comments like: “Excellent advice, especially during these difficult times where transforming is key to surviving”
This both reminded me and inspired me to continue to share the book with those who are interested in Leading for Change.
When did you last feel inspired by someone recognising your efforts? Or indeed recognise someone else for what they have done? It’s definitely something that motivates us to continue and is a key part of leading and embedding any change. More important now than ever before. What do you think?