#change leadership

Subcultures and how to make them work for you

In a recent post Jonathan Betts, Dianne Lee, Jackie MacRitchie, Renos Savva, Sara Vanderberghe and I discussed why a healthy culture is important and described ten actions to develop and sustain a healthy culture.  One of the actions we highlighted was not to be afraid of subcultures but instead to recognize their reality and embrace them as part of the [...]

By |2024-11-26T13:52:11+00:00November 26th, 2024|Case Study|0 Comments

Culture is always a differentiator!

Recently Jonathan Betts, Dianne Lee, Jackie MacRitchie, Renos Savva, Sara Vanderberghe and I met to talk about how to sustain culture in times of change, especially in a downturn. We discussed how a positive organizational culture is critical as organisations grow and evolve so that our best talent can thrive.  Culture is a differentiator! As times get tough culture is [...]

By |2024-11-25T17:03:22+00:00November 25th, 2024|Case Study|0 Comments

Using technology to manage change? Or managing change because of technology

Recently I had to make a decision about whether I needed to update my website as since I launched my book “Leading for Change – how to thrive during uncertain times” much had changed.  This led me to consider my technology strategy and how I was using my website to share information.  Was it worth doing?  How would it benefit my business and [...]

By |2021-08-18T15:27:19+00:00August 18th, 2021|Book|0 Comments
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